Pricing is based on length. Shorter or longer sessions can be scheduled if necessary.
1 Hour..............$75.00*
Relaxation Massage
This Swedish massage is great for relaxing your body and mind, and improving your mental and physical health.
Precision Neuromuscular Therapy (PNMT)
NMT manipulates the soft tissue of the body to balance the central nervous system. This massage releases tight muscles that cause pain, helps relieve nerve compression, and decreases pain and inflammation. It is beneficial if you have low back pain, repetitive stress injury, shoulder pain, or headaches/migraines.
Lymphatic Massage
Lymphatic massage is a technique used to increase lymph flow, which removes harmful substances from the tissues and increases immune function. This massage is beneficial for sports injuries, lack of energy, edema, or if you have a sluggish immune system.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue massage focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, lower back tightness, and sore shoulders.
Prenatal Massage
Prenatal massage helps to decrease stress, reduce swelling and relieve common aches and pains associated with pregnancy.
Chair Massage
Chair massage is very relaxing, reduces stress, boosts mental alertness, restores energy and improves circulation. Chair massage is usually 15 minutes in length.
This type of massage is typically only used at corporate and social events.
Contemporary Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapies exercise the use of negative pressure, lifting connective tissue, releasing rigid soft tissue, and draining excess toxins that have built up in the body. Cupping also loosens adhesions and is a fast and easy way accomplish myofacial release. Cupping therapy is a safe, effective, and comfortable technique used to bring the body back into homeostasis.
*Prices vary by location